Tuesday, December 16, 2008


What has our country done. This country has always stood for freedom . Communism,Karl Marx first created this Idea. Every one would live with equal wealth. The problem was that this gave the Government to much power. This made the Leaders rich and the ordinary people poor. Obama has said he is going to redistribute the wealth. Does this sound familiar? I wonder if Obama is going to redistribute his wealth.


  1. Oh, Kevin. Your great grandparents survive on systems of redistributed wealth. Your family and my family have benefited from redistributed wealth. Public services (including the armed services) are all funded by a collection and redistribution of tax dollars. That's how a government works.

  2. Redistributed wealth is taking money from some one and them getting nothing for it. You get something for taxes and Social Security. Grandma and Grandpa paid money in to Social Security for years and now they are getting money in return.

  3. Redistributed wealth is a pool of money collected from individuals that is intended to benefit society as a whole. All western democracies redistribute wealth in some way. We all pay taxes to build roads and libraries and schools, even if we don't use these things. Think of all that public land in Montana that you enjoy. Much of it was purchased by taxpayers across this country, even those liberals in Hollywood and NYC. What did they get out of the deal? Every public resource or program, including Social Security and Medicare, will always have people who pay more or less into the system than they get out of it. Income tax filing season is here now and that system is another example of redistributed wealth. Your Dad can tell you about tax credits and deductions that lead to a big return.

    My intention isn't to argue with you, but there is more to this issue than a campaign slogan or internet rumor. You are a smart young man and I think very highly of you. I wish you well on your journey through life, learning new things as you go.

  4. Thanks for taking time out of your day to write on my blog. It is a good thing to have people challenge what I believe. It reinforces what I believe or sets me straight.
