Saturday, December 20, 2008

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

PETA the name is deceiving. I'm all for the ethical treatment of animals. This organization has a good idea but it is made up of ignorant people. I'm an example of some one who cares and conserves animals. I strive to make sure they do not receive unnecessary suffering. I have recently looked and read in the PETA website. What I found was that they bashed things that they the obviously knew nothing about. I could go on and on about all of the complete lies they wrote. They made it sound like we hunters shoot endangered animals. This is a complete lie, we take out the excess and the money we spend on licenses conserves the endangered species. The deer that I harvest reduces starving in the hard Montana winters. The problem in Montana is that every winter the mountain ranges get so full of snow that all the deer move in to the valleys. The deer are so confined that they eat all of the food and then go hungry. Last spring I encountered a starving deer. It was weak and feeble. It would not run and and stood there making terrible noises. The point is that control of the population keeps them from worse pain. Taking some out of the equation lets the others survive the winter. Rather than making them all starve. The way it use to be was that the population would be way up and then only a few would survive the winter. Then they would slowly gain in number until there was to many for the food that was available. I hate to think of massive die offs. The FWP uses tag numbers to bring the deer population to the perfect level so that the deer are not out there starving.

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