Saturday, December 20, 2008

PETA Trapping Myths

One of PETA's big targets is fur industry. The lies I'm going to talk about revolve around traps. The first thing they lie about is how much pain the animals go through from being caught. This shows me that they know nothing about traps. The most common kind of traps out there today are the foot hold and the conibear. The foot hold catches the animal on the foot pad. The reason for this is to prevent the animal from getting hurt. This way any non target animal can be let go with out injury. The animal I will use for an example is the bobcat. Bobcats have no shoes so they have a tough pad on the bottom of thier feet. They can walk on razor sharp ice and rocks with out getting hurt. Getting caught in a foot hold does not hurt the animal because the trap grasps his foot pad. Its like getting caught on the bottom of your shoe. Conibears kill the animal extremely quickly. The animal is dead before he knows what is going on. How this is inhumane I don't know. PETA also tries to say that there are no trapping laws. This is a complete lie. The FWP closely monitors the season. They make sure no animals are over harvested. They make sure that trapping is done is a ethical and respectful manner.


  1. Very interesting..... i did not know that! Thank you for posting - very informative.

  2. It is inhumane because bobcats aren't human. You simply cannot provide humane treatment to a bobcat. I suppose you could try and have a conversation with one, but I don't suppose that the conversation would go very far.

    The word humane originally meant "having qualities befitting human beings", or "having compassion and empathy towards other human beings". The word was derived from the word human, and the two words were often used interchangeably from the 14th to 18th centuries.
    The Royal Humane Society (British group) was formed to save drowning people and still gives awards to people for acts of bravery saving people, as opposed to saving animals. The humane society in America is slightly different. :)

  3. It's good to hear about trapping from a person who actually does it! You made very good points.

    Thanks, Kev!

  4. are people who are actually dumb and backward enough to hunt still exist?
